I used to be a skinny guy- and I clearly remember the frustration of spending months doing dumbbell curls with no results to show. This post explains the optimum number of sets and reps you should do...
Helping Skinny Guys Achieve A Natural Muscle Transformation
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If you're stuck for time, you may have considered training with low sets at some point. This post explains why and how it is possible to build muscle by doing just 2 sets per muscle group per...
"Repetition maximum", "rep max", and "RM"- you'll often hear these phrases in the fitness world. But what exactly does it mean? A repetition maximum, or "rep-max", refers to the maximum weight a...
Deciding on the ideal number of sets and reps to promote hypertrophy (increasing muscle size) can be confusing for beginners. Doing 3 sets of 15 reps (3 x15) is a popular way to lift weights, but is...
Lifting low reps is traditionally associated with strength gains. But can low rep ranges, say 5 reps per set, be enough to build muscle as effectively as higher rep ranges? The 5-rep range is...
Choosing the best rep range to build muscle can be confusing. What works for a trained bodybuilder does not always work for an untrained beginner. This post explains whether skinny guys should do...