How Much Does A Dumbbell Bar Weigh? And How To Find Out Yourself!

how much does a dumbbell bar weigh?

Are you trying to figure out the exact weight of your dumbbell bar? Then keep reading! Because today, I will be answering the question- “how much does a dumbbell bar weigh?”

Dumbbell bars weigh between 1 to 10lbs. The exact weight of a dumbbell bar will vary depending on the type of dumbbell bar. Standard dumbbell bars weigh 4 to 5lbs, Olympic dumbbell bars weigh 7.5 to 10lbs, and hollow dumbbell bars weigh 1 to 2lbs.

I’ve used all manner of dumbbell types throughout my 10-year lifting career. And let me tell you- it can be a pain in the ass trying to figure out exactly how much weight I am lifting.

With barbells it’s easy- a bar is standardized at 20kg.

But dumbbells are on a completely different level.

So hopefully my personal experience and research will help you determine how much your dumbbell bar weighs!

Let’s jump right in!

Before I begin, does the weight of the bar even matter? Evilcyber certainly thinks so! And I agree! Here’s why:

Does The Bar Count When Lifting Weights?

Dumbbell Bars Generally Weigh Between 1 To 10lbs!

chart to show the weights of different types of dumbbell bars

Generally speaking, the weight of a dumbbell bar can weigh anywhere between 1 to 10 lbs (or 0.45 to 4.5kg).

Unlike equipment such as Olympic-sized barbells which are standardized to 45 pounds (or 20kg), dumbbell bars are subject to manufacturer-dependent weight specifications.

To put it simply- the manufacturer set’s their own weight for their own dumbbell bars!

That being said, the weight of a dumbbell bar will typically follow a trend. And certain types of dumbbell bars will fall within a certain weight range.

Here are the typical weight ranges for 3 of the most popular types of dumbbell bars:

Type Of Dumbbell BarExpected Lb Range (Per Bar)Expected Kg Range (Per Bar)
Standard Bar4lb to 5lb 1.8kg to 2.3kg
Olympic Bar7.5lb to 10lb3.5kg to 4.5kg
Hollow Bar1lb to 2lb 0.45kg to 0.9kg

Next, I will explain how to identify the different types of dumbbell bars, and why they weigh as much (and as little) as they do!

Read my other article for the pros and cons of dumbbell training!

Standard Dumbbell Bars Weigh 4 To 5lbs.

standard dumbbell bars weigh 2 to 5 pounds

Standard dumbbell bars are typically made with solid iron or steel and will weigh between 4lb to 5lb (or 1.8kg to 2.3kg) per bar. From end to end, the length of a standard dumbbell bar will usually measure 14″ (or 356mm).

These dumbbell bars are one of the most common types of bars available on the market. In fact, they are what most people would imagine when asked to picture a dumbbell bar!

Here are the typical specifications and dimensions for a standard dumbbell bar:

Typical Weight Per Bar4lb to 5lb (or 1.8kg to 2.3kg)
Bar MaterialBare steel, iron, or neoprene-coated.
Sleeve PatternSmooth or threaded.
Sleeve Diameter1″
Maximum Weight LoadUp to 55lb (or 25kg)

The more expensive models can be coated in rubber or a similar synthetic material such as neoprene or urethane. And this makes them less abrasive, less likely to scratch flooring, and generally safer when dropped.

The sleeves (where the weight plates slide onto) should be standardized at a 1″ diameter, and they can be either smooth or threaded.

Smooth sleeves require a spring-loaded collar to safely secure the weight plate onto the dumbbell bar.

In contrast, threaded sleeves require a spin-lock nut to secure the weight plates. Spin-lock nuts are usually made from a solid iron/steel mold, which is usually slightly heavier than spring-loaded collars.

Although the weight difference between spring-loaded collars and spin-lock nuts is marginal, spin-locks can still increase the weight of the bar by up to half a pound (especially on older models)!

And this can contribute to a heavier dumbbell bar.

Finally, standard dumbbell bars can typically hold up to 55lb (or 25kg) in weight plates. But the exact weight capacity will vary between different brands and models.

So make sure you do diligent research!

Check out my other article to see if dumbbells are worth the money!

Olympic Dumbbell Bars Weigh 7.5 To 10lbs.

olympic dumbbell bars weigh 7.5 to 10 pounds

Olympic dumbbell bars are typically made with stainless steel and will weigh between 7.5lb to 10lb (or 3.5kg to 4.5kg) per bar. From end to end, the length of an Olympic dumbbell bar will usually measure 20″ (or 508mm).

These are jacked-up versions of the standard dumbbell bar. Although they are the most expensive dumbbell bar available, they will also be able to hold much more weight!

Here are the typical specifications and dimensions for a typical Olympic dumbbell bar:

Typical Weight Per Bar7.5lb to 10lb (or 3.5kg to 4.5kg)
Bar MaterialStainless steel
Sleeve PatternSmooth
Sleeve Diameter2″
Maximum Weight LoadUp to 165lb (or 75kg)

The sleeves for an Olympic dumbbell bar are standardized at a 2″ (or 51mm) diameter, and the larger sleeve diameter contributes to the heavier weight of Olympic dumbbell bars compared to standard dumbbell bars.

The reason why Olympic dumbbell bars have wider diameter sleeves is to allow you to insert barbell bumper plates (which also have 2″ holes). This is also why the sleeves are always smooth (to allow easy insertion of large-weight plates).

The maximum weight capacity of Olympic dumbbell bars can be up to 165lb per bar (or 75kg). And the most expensive models can hold even more weight!

Read my other article to find out if you are lifting enough weight to gain muscle!

Hollow Dumbbell Bars Weigh 1 To 2lbs.

hollow dumbbell bars weigh 1 to 2 pounds

Hollow dumbbell bars are typically made from a hollowed piece of steel, iron, or plastic, and will weigh between 1lb to 2lb (or 0.45kg to 0.9kg) per bar. The empty cavity of these dumbbell bars makes them much lighter than standard and Olympic dumbbell bars.

From end to end, the length of a standard dumbbell bar can measure anywhere between 14″ to 18″ (or 356 to 457mm).

These are the cheapest dumbbell bars on the market. And unless you are a casual lifter with no training plan, I would generally recommend you to stay away from these dumbbell bars!

Check out my other article to find out the home gym essentials to build muscle!

Here are the typical specifications and dimensions for a typical Olympic dumbbell bar:

Typical Weight Per Bar1lb to 2lb (or 0.45kg to 0.9kg)
Bar MaterialSteel, iron, or synthetic plastic.
Sleeve PatternSmooth or threaded
Sleeve Diameter1″
Maximum Weight LoadAround 33lb (or 15kg)

Just like standard dumbbell bars, the sleeves for hollow dumbbell bars are usually 1″ and can be either smooth or threaded.

One of the easiest ways to identify hollow dumbbell bars is through the absence of knurling.

Knurling refers to the etchings carved into the grip of a dumbbell bar, and they serve to improve your ability to securely clasp a dumbbell.

Since hollow bars have an empty cavity, they usually cannot physically support knurling (which would weaken the integrity of the bar).

Instead, the grip usually consists of a rubber sleeve. And this is the easiest way to identify hollow dumbbell bars.

Hollow dumbbell bars will usually hold up to 33lb (or 15kg) of weight per bar. Although some of the more expensive models may be able to support slightly more weight.

How To Determine The Weight Of A Dumbbell Bar.

So now you know how to identify each of the 3 types of dumbbell bars, and how much they SHOULD weigh. How can you determine the weight of a dumbbell bar?

This may be a bar that you were gifted with. Or it may be a bar at the local gym.

Either way, you may want to know how to determine the weight of the bar. After all, you can’t expect to progress properly if you don’t know how much you are lifting right?!

So here are 4 methods to determine the weight of a dumbbell bar:

1. Calculate Dumbbell Bar Weight Using Body Scales.

calculate dumbbell bar weight by weighing yourself holding the dumbbell bar and subtracting your body weight

The first method involves using a set of body scales that are able to measure in pounds (ideally to 1 or 2 decimal places).

Here’s how to calculate the weight of a dumbbell bar using body sales:

  1. Weigh yourself and record the weight in lbs.
  2. Weigh yourself whilst holding the dumbbell bar and record the weight.
  3. Calculate dumbbell bar weight by subtracting body weight from body weight with the dumbbell bar (in other words, the weight of dumbbell bar = body weight whilst holding bar – body weight).

2. Compare Dumbbell Bar With Fixed-Weight Dumbbells.

determine dumbbell bar weight by comparing with the closest matching fixed-weight dumbbell

The second method provides less accurate measurement, but it is also less technical. It works best when you have a set of fixed-weight dumbbells (for example at the gym).

Here’s how to calculate the weight of a dumbbell bar by using fixed-weight dumbbells:

  1. Grab the dumbbell bar and remember how heavy it feels.
  2. Use the same hand to grab a range of other fixed-weight dumbbells.
  3. Determine the closest matching fixed-weight dumbbell. This is how much your dumbbell bar weighs (approximately!).

3. Researching Manufacturer Specifications.

research dumbbell specifications for your model online

The third method is ideal if you know the brand and model for your dumbbell bar (for example if you were gifted them by someone).

Here’s how to determine the weight of a dumbbell bar by researching manufacturer specifications:

  1. Use google to locate the product specifications for your dumbbell.
  2. Establish dumbbell bar weight (typically “weight per bar” or “bar weight”).

Note: a good bar manufacturer will always specify weight PER BAR. If not, they should be able to provide the details when asked. Shady suppliers will mislead you into thinking the specified weight is “per bar” when it’s actually for both bars combined!

4. Determine Approximate Bar Weight By Look.

what type of dumbbell bar have you got?

The fourth method is also less accurate. But it will give you a good approximation of how heavy your dumbbell bar is.

Here’s how to determine the weight of a dumbbell bar by look:

  1. Establish if your bar is a standard bar, Olympic bar, or hollow bar (does it have knurling? How large is the sleeve diameter? Is the sleeve smooth or threaded? What material is the bar?)
  2. Standard dumbbell bars are around 5lb, Olympic bars are around 10lb, and hollow bars are around 2lbs!


That’s it!

Today I have answered the question- “how much does a dumbbell bar weigh?”

The exact weight of a dumbbell bar will vary between brands and models. But the weight of dumbbell bars can be categorized by the type of dumbbell in question.

  • Standard dumbbell bars weigh between 4 and to 5lbs.
  • Olympic dumbbell bars weigh between 7.5 to 10lbs.
  • Hollow dumbbell bars weigh between 1 and to 2lbs.

To determine the weight of your dumbbell bar, you can:

  • Calculate using body scales.
  • Compare this with fixed-weight dumbbells.
  • Research manufacturer specs.
  • Determine by dumbbell look (and therefore type).

Are you able to confidently determine the weight of your dumbbells?

Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions! You can find my details on the “contact us” page.

You may also be interested in the downloadable Kalibre Blueprint PDF which details exactly how I gained 40lbs of lean muscle (it’s 100% free!). It details the exact exercises and nutrition (with printable worksheets) I used to go from skinny to ripped!

Thanks for reading guys!

Peace Out,


(Biochemistry BSc, Biomedical Sciences MSc, Ex-Skinny Guy)


I'm Kal (B.S, M.S)- a health & fitness writer and owner of Kalibre Fitness. I love to nerd out on weight training and nutrition. My primary interests are in muscle hypertrophy mechanisms and strength development. You can connect with me in the "Contact Us" section below!

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