Kalibre Fitness is a weight gain blog that teaches skinny guys how to build muscle through home training and sustainable nutrition. The blog was started by Kalam Tang, an ex-skinny guy who gained 40lbs of lean muscle over 2 years.
“My goal is to help fellow skinny dudes gain their first 20lbs of muscle at home without breaking the bank.”
Kal (M.S, B.S)
Our Story
The skinny struggle

Kalam Tang (or Kal) started Kalibre Fitness in 2021 with one goal in mind:
To help skinny guys build muscle.
Dealing with the “skinny gene” is something Kal understands all too well.
For much of his life, he weighed a measly 125lbs.
And at just 5″5, he’s not exactly the tallest guy in the room either.
This combination of low body weight and short stature was a recipe for low self-esteem, body image issues, and extreme frustration.
Further compounding the frustration, Kal also found a lack of actionable training and nutrition advice tailored for skinny guys.
“How can you get bigger without a gym membership?
“How can you eat a caloric surplus without feeling sick to the stomach?!“
Dumbells and mealplans

No matter how many bicep curls or sit-ups he did, Kal just couldn’t gain weight.
His skinny struggles drove him to obsessively research and implement his own training and nutrition strategies.
He combined advice from scientific journals, bodybuilders, and powerlifters, and formulated his own approach.
In the end, he took a strength and hypertrophy approach to his training.
This basically involved alternating between heavy compound lifting at low reps, and lighter isolation lifting at higher reps.
Additionally, he combined his training with homemade meal plans that were packed with both calories and protein.
Kal also quickly realized that barbell training wasn’t the only way to pack on muscle.
In fact, heavy dumbbells worked just as well.
Kalibre Fitness was born

Fast forward 2 years and Kal had packed on 40lbs of weight.
And not just 40lbs of weight, but 40lbs of lean muscle weight!
He developed a more powerful V-shaped physique and was brimming with newfound confidence.
Furthermore, friends, family, and peers really began noticing.
Friends, in particular, began asking for advice and tips to build muscle themselves.
Of course, having gone through the skinny struggle himself, he was more than happy to help.
And that’s when Kalibre Fitness started…
The Kalibre Fitness Mission

The goal for Kalibre Fitness is to provide a resource for skinny guys to gain their first 20lbs of muscle.
Furthermore, our core value is that training shouldn’t have to be expensive or embarrassing.
And it doesn’t have to be!
Whilst the merit of barbell training is undeniable, many beginners simply don’t have space or money to get a full barbell setup at home.
An alternative would be to go to the gym.
But for many skinny guys, this can be difficult due to gym anxiety (it’s a real thing!).
Kalibre Fitness advocates home dumbbell training as the best option for skinny guys looking to get big at home, on a budget.
We focus on dumbbell and bodyweight workouts which allow you to quickly build muscle at home.
We also teach skinny guys the essential nutrition advice required to fuel the muscle growth process.
Ultimately, our objective is to help skinny dudes overcome their own physical and mental barriers.
Qualified Skinny Guy Advice For Skinny Guys
Advice from personal experience

So why should you listen to Kal?
Well, you don’t have to really. There’s plenty of advice online these days!
But Kalibre Fitness offers unique advice from the perspective of a skinny guy.
Kal knows the skinny struggle all too well.
But more importantly, he’s also managed to conquer his own obstacles.
In his 10 year journey, he’s transformed himself from a 125lb skinny guy into 165lbs and ripped bro.
And along the way, he’s gathered insights, tips, and mistakes to avoid, that would benefit fellow skinny dudes.
Kal knows what works well and what doesn’t.
He also knows what’s important and what’s downright BS (come on, you can’t expect a skinny dude to consume 3000 calories just like that!).
Aside from personal experience, Kal also holds Biomedical qualifications.
Science-based reccomendations

Kal knows how the body works at a molecular level.
He spent his formative years studying for his Bachelor’s Degree (Biochemistry BSc) at The University of Southampton.
After that, he gained a Masters Degree (Biomedical Sciences MSc) at University College London.
His academic record helps him to filter sport and exercise research journals into actionable advice for you to digest.
Send him a message if you’re an Alumni!

Areas of expertise include:
- Human Physiology, Molecular Biology And Genetics
- Human Metabolic Health.
- Digestion And Nutritional Health
- Fat Oxidation in Humans
- Skeletal and Muscle anatomy.
- Protein Structure And Function.
- Muscle Structure And Function.
- Infection And Inflammation In Humans.
- Cellular Signalling In Human Health And Disease.
- Neuromuscular Junction Signalling
- Biology of Degeneration And Repair.
Kal’s NASM Personal Trainer Certification is also on the way!
Disclaimer: Please note that the advice given on this blog is research-based opinion and personal experience. Although Kal is a biomedical scientist, he’s am NOT a physician. His posts do not constitute medical advice. Always seek advice from a medical professional before going through any health-related undertaking.
Our Readers Are Our Foundation
Ask us a question!
The goal for Kalibre Fitness is to help fellow skinny dudes build the physique they dream about.
This makes our readers the bedrock for our work.
Our readers are also what motivates us to keep creating content.
So please don’t hesitate to get in touch and share your most pressing issues as a skinny guy trying to gain weight!
Odds are, whatever problems you’re going through, some of us have gone through or are going through the same issues too!
Connect with us
You can connect with us on:
- kal@kalibrefitness.com.
- kalam.tang.90@gmail.com.
- LinkedIn.
- Facebook.
- Instagram.
Ask us a question! Or even a simple “Hi” would be amazing. We skinny guys need to band together!
Get The Blueprint To Kal’s Success!
Thank you for reading our story.
Again, don’t hesitate to reach out.
You know where to find us.
You can learn more about Kal’s weight gain journey here.
Or if you like, you can also read the Kalibre 6-Step Blueprint To Build Muscle here.
It’s completely free and contains all the details you need to build a more powerful physique.
No personal trainer or monthly subscription is required. Just 100% free advice that works for skinny guys!
I look forward to hearing from everyone 🙂
Bulk. Cut. Gain. Repeat.
All the best,

Kalam Tang
(Biochemistry BSc, Biomedical Sciences MSc, Ex-Skinny Guy)